Slow Aging And Help Avoid Bruising Easily With Regular Exercise!
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Exercise is widely known to keep your body active. This training regimen helps you live a long and useful life. As you become older, your body functions will decline. If people avoid being energetic in their daily lives, the aging process will manifest earlier than it has to. If you begin exercising regularly when you are young, you will find it much easier to maintain feeling good and healthy as you grow older, as well as helping you to avoid bruising easily.
Your exercise regimen should include cardiovascular, or aerobic, workouts which gives your entire circulatory system a superb workout. These actions will improve your metabolic rate and help strengthen blood vessels that may have weakened as you’ve aged. Additionally, you can develop muscle strength that helps protect your joints by adding weightlifting and resistance exercise to your routine.
Studies have shown that working out with weights or doing resistance training can prove to be beneficial for slowing the effects of aging. Professionals conducted a study separating three clusters of men who were required to walk a great distance in a specified time frame. The only group that successfully completed the test was a group that lifted weights or practiced resistance training. The experts also found that the successful group had lower cholesterol levels than the other two groups. This study is one of many which show the benefits of adding resistance training to cardiovascular activity.
Having an increased metabolic rate, which gives a person higher energy levels, is just one of the many benefits adding weight training to your exercise routine can bring. In addition, you will be increasing your lean muscle mass and improving your stamina. There are some cautions for those who do not practice resistance or weight training which include loss of bone density and the increased potential for heart disease.
Weightlifting can help reduce the risks of high cholesterol, and it can help slow the aging process, but you must always be aware of your limitations regarding the amount of weight that you think you can handle. In practically all instances, weight resistance training with light weights and high repetitions will get you the results you desire. Repetitions with low or moderate weights will suffice for almost anyone except someone who wishes to become a professional bodybuilder. Whenever you do decide to work out with free weights, be sure to have a partner or spotter to help avoid potential injury.
Your aging means that your body will not produce or store vitamins and other nutrients the same way it did when you were younger. Your dietary intake must be much more complete in its supply of vitamins and fiber in order for you to remain in good health. Your heart health requires that you consume at least thirty grams of dietary fibers each day. Changing your habits and diet may pose a real challenge for you, but your continued good health demands it.
Choosing to modify your diet may be a difficult decision, but the real difficulty lies in following your new dietary plan. Lots of vegetables and fruits should form the building blocks of your plan. Green vegetables and fruits are known to cut down the risks of diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease; and they can even help you avoid cancer. Proper fiber intake will assist in keeping your cholesterol and sugar levels at their proper levels.
You now know the benefits of following a regular exercise regimen and keeping to a well balanced diet, but these things alone may not completely help you overcome the tendency for easy bruising which affects many people as they age. The all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program has been proved by people worldwide to help totally avoid bruising easily for those that are prone to have the problem.
Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program is your social life due to your embarrassment caused by your ugly bruises.
Until next time,
Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”
P.S. Please take a look at the book I’ve recently written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“. You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.