Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

What Are the Consequences of a Vitamin K Deficiency?

If You Want To Prevent Bruising, Don’t Do This!

Hello Again:

Are you someone who gets unexplained bruises all the time?  Do you bruise dramatically even when the bump that caused the trauma was very light?  If so, one possibility of the cause of your suffering from is a vitamin K deficiency.

When we are bruising easily frequently, this is a problem that needs to be faced head on.  By doing so we can find it is necessary for us to consider finding a solution to a vitamin K deficiency.  This is a condition that can occur at any age, but the people most likely to suffer from it are generally going to be young children and pregnant women.   Do you fit this definition?

How can we tell if we have a vitamin K deficiency?  When we want to understand this problem, we will find that you need to think about how our body uses vitamin K.  At the most basic level, vitamin K is meant to help our blood coagulate, and it is also essential for providing us with good bone density.  It is involved in helping us clot our blood, and for pregnant women, it is essential for the safe development of the fetus. When presented in this context, we can readily see that a deficiency of vitamin K is something that can have some severe consequences.

One of the most common side effects of a vitamin K deficiency is heavy menstrual bleeding, nose bleeds, anemia, hematomas and a general thinness of the blood.  If we have a vitamin K deficiency, we will find that we are subject to bruising very easily, even to the point of not realizing when we picked up a bruise in the first place.  What it boils down to is that people who have a vitamin K deficiency will end up having issues with the way that their body forms blood clots.  Are you someone who is suffering from any of these symptoms?  If so, take the time to consider whether this deficiency is the one that is giving you problems.

Do you know how to tell if we are suffering from a vitamin K deficiency?  Happily enough, this is not typically a concern for fully grown adults (I’m more fully grown than I care to be), because this vitamin is available from a variety of different foods. We need to remember that anti-convulsants can interfere with the way that vitamin K is brought into our system.  People who have issues with malabsorption of fat (if you can’t absorb fat, wouldn’t that be a good thing?) can also be prone to vitamin K deficiencies.   When we want to boost the amount of vitamin K in our system, we should consider eating more soya beans, wheat bran, cereals, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli.

Of course we all want to stay as healthy as we can, so if we are wondering if we are being affected by vitamin K deficiency, there are a number of things that we should keep in mind.  We need to pay attention to what our body is trying to tell us, so be aware of any of the symptoms.  If we determine that we have a vitamin K deficiency, we will need to consider what supplements and foods will help us, sooner rather than later, particularly if we are concerned about the easy bruising that can be one of the obvious vitamin K deficiency symptoms.

We should all know by now that one way to avoid vitamin K deficiency is to follow the daily supplement program from Bruises Be Banned, which contains vitamin K and several other essential ingredients to help us reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily program is our social life because of our ugly bruises.

Happy New Year and we’ll talk again soon.


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