Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

How Can Sulfur Help Me Overcome My Easy Bruising?

These Activities Won’t Help You Prevent Bruising?

Hello Again:

If we are ever in a place where we want to quit bruising easily (who doesn’t want to quit bruising all the time?), we may find that sulfur might be just the thing that we are looking for.  For people who have only heard of sulfur in the “sulfur and brimstone” context, it might be a surprise that this strongly smelling substance can be such a help as part of a bruise treatment program.  Take some time and consider what kind of help sulfur can give us when we are looking at preventing bruises; there is actually quite a lot that this substance can do for us if you know how to use it.

The first thing that we need to consider when we are exploring the use of sulfur as a bruise treatment is what exactly sulfur is.  For instance, many people are not aware that sulfur is actually a nonmetallic element that can be found in many different, though common, things.  When we are looking at the ways that we might run into it normally, we’ll find that it is often used in the forms of sulfates and sulfides in industrial processes.  Also keep in mind, though that it shows up often in our day to day life.  Despite its bad reputation, you will find that sulfur is actually odorless; it is only unpleasantly smelly when it mixes with hydrogen or oxygen.  Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide are both regular offenders of the nose.

When we are thinking about how to put more sulfur in our life, consider finding it in certain types of foods and in dietary supplements.  One type of sulfur that is important for use in healing or preventing bruises is called Bromelain, and you will find that it is an inherent part of a wide variety of fruits, particularly pineapples and other members of the pineapple family.  Bromelain is a substance that has enzymes containing sulfur, and these substances actually digest the blood that seeps into the bruises.  Remember that a bruise is simply the result of blood seeping beneath our skin, and the faster the blood clears up, the faster the bruise is going to heal, and the sooner we can stop getting those irritatingly concerned looks from our friends!

Another form of sulfur that can be instrumental as part of a regimen designed for bruise treatment and prevention is Methylsulfonylmethane, which is often abbreviated to MSM.  This substance is known to help people recover from soft tissue injuries, and these are what we need to worry about when you are bruising a great deal.  It will also act as an anti inflammatory, which will bring down any swelling or redness that might be part of the bruising process.  These are the two varieties of sulfur that are going to help us best overcome our easy bruising.

When you are looking for foods that contain sulfur, look primarily for pineapple and garlic.  While there are many other foods that contain sulfur, these two are great for our purpose.  You may also want to consider the use of sulfur supplements.  Always read any warnings about sulfur supplements (or any supplement), and if you are still nervous about using it, consult your doctor.

Everyone should know by now about the benefits of the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program.  Bruises Be Banned contains both recommended forms of sulfur as well as other vitamins and nutrients that help make it the best program available to reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily program is our social life because of our ugly bruises.

Talk again soon,


PS.  Have you checked out Jan Doan’s new reference book on bruising causes and bruise prevention yet?

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