Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

How Can Eating Fruits and Vegetables Help Me Reduce Bruising Easily?

This Kind of Activity Won’t Help Reduce Bruising Easily!

Hello Again:

By now we all know that eating healthier can be something that helps us prevent bruising.  When we want to get in better physical shape, remember that the foods that we choose to eat can help us prevent those unattractive blotches that can show up on our skin without warning.

When we are trying to find the means to prevent bruising, think about heading to the produce section of our grocery store.  We can make an enormous impact on the way that our body feels and how it heals itself when we start putting more produce on our table.  One thing that many people do not realize is that we can also go a long way towards preventing bruises too through our choice of foods.

Through helping to supercharge our immune system, vitamin C is a substance that can make a huge difference to the way that our body heals and protects itself.  Eating foods that have high vitamin C content is something that many people disregard, but it is essential.

When we eat foods that have a high vitamin C content, we will find that it can give us an impressive boost in energy as well as the ability to heal minor injuries a little faster.  Fruits which contain citric acid, like oranges and lemons are good choices, but so are savory root vegetables like the sweet potato.

Think about looking for foods that are high in vitamin A as well.  Our body uses vitamin A to fend off cellular damage and to make sure that it can deal with trauma.  When we want to overcome easy bruising, Vitamin A is an important part of our tool set.

Be careful about receiving vitamin A only through supplements, though.  This is something that can in very rare instances lead to vitamin A poisoning.   A much safer route that will help us get vitamin A into our system is through eating foods like collard greens, apricots, carrots, pumpkin (I wonder if pumpkin pie counts) and cantaloupe.  All of these foods are impressively high in vitamin A and they will ensure that only a moderate amount of the vitamin gets into our body.

What about minerals?  Our body needs minerals as well as vitamins, and this is where iron can come in.  One way that iron is going to help us fend off bruising is through preventing anemia and through improving our circulatory system. When we are interested in eating foods that are rich in iron, look for the darkly colored green vegetables.  Spinach, mustard greens, kale, broccoli, and Swiss chard are all great candidates for giving our body iron.  Through eating these foods, we are going to be able to keep ourselves much healthier.

Consider what is the best type of diet we need to follow when we want to prevent bruising.  Taking control of our diet is an important part of a total process to help reduce or prevent bruising, so see what kind of effect our diet is going to have on us.  Remember too that we should be following the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program to make certain that we are getting all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we need to help prevent bruising altogether, regardless of our diet.

Keep in mind that the only thing that we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is our social life because of our ugly bruising.

Talk again soon,


P.S.  You can get Section I of the new book “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention” for free by signing up at the website or you can buy the book here.

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