Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

What Should I Know About Vegetarianism and Bruising Easily?

Don’t Do This If You Want To Prevent Bruising Easily!

Hello Again:

If you find yourself  in a place where you are thinking about removing animal products from your diet (chocolate isn’t an animal product, is it?), you know that you are going to be dealing with a drastic change, and that it can make a significant difference to the way that your body functions.  Vegetarianism is widely considered to be a healthy choice, but we should be wondering how it pertains to our easy bruising.  There are lots of stories about how vegetarianism promotes easy bruising, but these stories are often exaggerated.

When we are thinking about vegetarianism and bruising easily, it can be worth our while to figure out how those stories came to exist at all.  When someone who is a vegetarian experiences easy bruising, this is usually interpreted as a sign of vitamin deficiency.  This is especially the case if the vegetarian happens to be young.

When we are worried about a vitamin deficiency, we will find that paying closer attention to what we are eating and making sure that we are eating a balanced diet can often fix the deficiency.  When we are not getting a particular vitamin or a mineral that we need, we can open ourselves up to a wide array of problems, regardless of whether or not we eat meat

If you are someone who has been eating a vegetarian diet for a while, and you have noticed an increase in the bruises that you get, you need to examine how much iron you are really ingesting.  Iron is quite important when we want to make sure that our immune system is working at its top capacity.

One important thing that iron does is that it enhances our circulatory health.  Remember that iron can more easily be found in animal products, but it is definitely present in certain vegetables, though it might be available in smaller quantities

When we are considering how to get the iron to absorb more quickly into our body, we should start eating more foods that contains high levels of vitamin C.  Vitamin C is used for many different important functions in our body, so look primarily for citrus fruits to give us what we need.   Sweet potatoes are a more savory dish that has a lot of vitamin C in it.

If you are someone who is a practicing vegetarian or you are thinking about it, a balanced diet has to be one of our top priorities.  Easy bruising generally tells us that there is something amiss in our diet and that we need to attend to correcting our diet.  Regardless of the diet we follow, we know the benefits of following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program, because it has been proved to reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing that we have to lose by not following the  Bruises Be Banned program is our social life because of our ugly bruises.

Talk again soon,


P.S.  Don’t forget that you can get the first section of “The Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention” free by clicking here!

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