Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

If Easy Bruising Is A Symptom For Hemophilia, What Does That Mean To Me?

You Won’t Stop Easy Bruising Doing This!

Hello Everyone:

When we notice that we are getting bruised very easily just by bumping into things, there are a number of different fears that might be going through our minds.  The truth of the matter is that bruising easily is generally just a side effect of getting older, but it can also be a sign that there is something else that is going on in our body.

Even if we are not worried about our easy bruising, we may well have friends or family who are concerned, and even if we just want to put their minds at ease, we need to educate ourselves more about hemophilia and other disorders that have easy bruising as a symptom, and determine whether our bruising is one of those symptoms.  Hemophilia is one condition that does get mentioned when we are researching easy bruising, so let’s  really educate ourselves about it.

First, keep in mind that whenever we are talking about hemophilia that there are different levels of severity that might be in play.  For instance, when hemophilia is relatively mild, most sufferers only worry about facing increased bleeding during dental work or surgery.

On the other hand, when someone is dealing with moderate hemophilia, we will learn that easy bleeding and bruising takes place in many more situations.  Even normal activities like brushing teeth or scratching at a rash can become deeply problematic.  With severe hemophilia, even very mild contusions can result in a situation that requires a trip to the hospital emergency room.

Remember that we will learn that hemophilia is a condition that should have been diagnosed at a very young age. Very few people receive a diagnosis of hemophilia after they become adults.

Chances are very good that hemophilia is not the issue that we are dealing with at all, and menopause and aging are much more likely to be the culprits at work here.  Consider what kind of bruising that we have and then we can determine what we can do to alleviate the situation.

When we are thinking about what we can do stop our easy bruising, remember that bruising occurs due to capillaries that break and the resultant loss of blood pools beneath the skin.  Hemophilia is a condition where the capillaries break easily, but then it is joined with an much increased blood flow to the skin.  Capillaries will also weaken due to age.  It is a natural process, but one that can be quite annoying if we are dealing with concerned friends or family members.

Once we have determined that our easy bruising is not a symptom of hemophilia or some other disease, it should be easy for us to find a proper solution. We should all know by now that the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program is our best choice for a means to reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life because of your ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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