Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Have You Been Looking for Homeopathic Solutions to Easy Bruising?

This March Madness Behavior Won’t Help Reduce Bruising!

Hello Again:

When we are thinking about how to get rid of too frequent, mysteriously appearing bruises, we could think about what following an homeopathic route of treatment can offer us.  Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine, and it will treat a wide variety of disorders through using very diluted solutions or tisanes (a form or herbal teas, or tea -like drinks) that will mirror the symptoms that we are experiencing.

If we are looking for a homeopathic solution to our easy bruising problem, we’ll need to take a moment and consider what herbs are going to help us and how we are going to be able to get the results that we desire.  These herbal remedies may be able to shorten the lifespan of our bruises and may keep us from experiencing bruising easily at all.

If we are trying to determine how to stop our easy bruising through homeopathic means, the most important thing that have to consider is the dosage of whatever natural compound is recommended.  Remember that if our problem is on the mild side, we should be able to keep the dosage fairly mild as well.  If you have never used homeopathic remedies before, then an education into the whole homeopathic process would be in order in order to achieve our best possible results.  The more we can learn about this topic, the better.

One of the first herbs that will be recommended to us to treat our bruising easily is probably going to be arnica.   Arnica has been known to greatly speed up recovery time whether we are treating existing bruises or sprains.  To use it, simply apply the herb as a cold compress to the area in question.  Do not apply arnica to an open wound.  When we are looking to suppress the visible signs of the injury, remember that arnica will probably be wonderfully effective.

Other herbs that can be used homeopathically to reduce the visibility of our existing bruises would include Bellis, ruta, ledum and hamamelis, and they are fairly, readily available to homeopathic practitioners.  Of course, we’ll have to determine where we can get these herbs and what kind of preparation that we’ll need to employ to provide effective treatment.

Someone who actively practices homeopathy can advise us, but we should not be afraid to do our own research.  A little bit of independent study can go a long way towards teaching us what we want to know.  Homeopathy is a path that many people are curious about, and since we are trying to get rid of our frequent bruising, it might be the perfect route for us.

When we are trying to get rid of existing bruises, don’t let poor initial success cause us to get irritated.  Remember that everyone is different when it comes to the way that they respond to different treatments, so do not give up.  Our age, the food that we normally eat, and the amount of exercise that we get all contribute towards making certain remedies more or less effective.

Remember that homeopathy can possibly make a huge difference to our condition, so it may make sense to see what it can do for us.  Consider the wide range of treatment options that are available to us, and think about what kind of choice you want to make.

Of course, you all know that I believe that the Bruises Be Banned daily program is the best choice for us because works to reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether rather than simply treating an existing bruise with some sort of homeopathic remedy.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life due to your ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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