Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Old Myths That DON’T Cure Bruises!

You’re Looking For More Bruising If You Do This!

Hello Again:

We are always pleased when old myths turn out to be true.  Things like raw honey, blueberries and apple cider vinegar were thought to be good for us long before anyone did the research for them, and it’s always nice to see old traditions like that get some real proof.  However, don’t forget that the opposite can also be true.  There are plenty of old myths associated with bruising, but some of them just need to be weeded out.

Everyone bruises a little differently, but we are still tempted to believe that someone has a great universal cure for bruising easily.  However, some people are just great at healing their own bodies, so don’t get fooled by a miracle cure.  Instead, make sure that you understand that these treatments below do NOT work!


When we have a bruise, it might feel sore, and our first instinct might be to rub it.  This will help alleviate pain, and it can even help break up the blood clot under the skin, but there are some problems if we do this too roughly.  Even a gentle massage can increase blood flow to the area, and this can actually make the bruise worse.  When we feel the need to massage the bruised area to alleviate pain, massage very carefully and be aware that we might actually be lengthening the time we will live with the bruise.


One old wives’ tale mentions that you can use pepper to cause a bruise to disappear.  Pepper does contain some substances that might make the pain less, but when we sprinkle pepper of any sort on a bruise, we will just need to sweep up later.  We’d be much better served by heading to our medicine cabinet rather than to our spice rack when we want to take care of a bruise.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a supposed remedy that can help us reduce swelling from a bruise, but remember that it is still only slightly better than the so called bruise remedies listed above.  Baking soda can be used to take out some of the redness in a bruise, and it can also soothe our skin, but it will not affect a bruise that is very dark or very pronounced.  It is not going to make our bruise heal any faster at all.

Raw Meat

We’ve seen a lot of stories about putting raw meat on bruises, but whether we’re using prime, choice or select cuts, it’s not going to help us at all.  There are lots of tales over the best meats for the task, but they are missing the point that the meat does not actually help.  Raw meat can be cold, which is good for clotting the blood that causes the bruises, but keep our raw meat in the refrigerator, not on our bruise.

Before we try any of these old myths about bruising, think about them and make sure that we are looking at valid information. Find a great cure that takes care of the bruises, and ignore the myths that are just not going to help.  All of us should know by now that it’s much better to prevent bruising altogether than to worry about whether any so-called cure is going to help make an existing bruise vanish.  Following the Bruises Be Banned daily, supplement program is a much better solution than chasing some old wives’ tale.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life due to your ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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