Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Step 1 Of Ten Steps To Prevent Bruising: What Brought Us To This Condition?

This Isn’t The Way To Prevent Bruising, Is It?

Hello Again:

For the next several weeks, we’re going to revisit and update a series of ten posts that we made on this blog about eight months ago.  For those of you who read the original series, I think you’ll find this information more current, and for those of you new to this space, the articles will be completely new for you.

Have you recently started looking down and realizing that you are bruising more easily than ever before? This is something that happens to many people, and if we want to heal the bruises that we already have and to prevent more from showing up in the future, we need to figure out why it is happening in the first place. Rather than panicking over every new bruise, or just becoming irritated about the situation, the first step we should take is to learn what might be causing the easy bruising. After all, knowing more about bruising causes is an essential step along the road of stopping this condition in its tracks.

First, consider the fact that there are plenty of reasons that we might be bruising normally. Too many people immediately leap to dire conclusions of serious blood issues or cancer, but in most cases, we are not going to be dealing with issues like that at all. Though bruising easily is certainly ugly and unpleasant to look at, remember that there are usually normal causes for the bruising.

Now that we understand the need to know about bruising causes, let’s look at how bruises form and what they really are.  A bruise happens when the capillary blood vessels beneath our skin break but the skin above it does not. This may occur due to some type of unremembered pressure or shock, and the blood that seeps out of those capillaries pools just under the skin. This pooled blood is what actually causes the coloration of the bruise.

Since we’ve noticed that we are bruising more easily than we did in the past, there is likely a two-part reason why this is occurring. In the first place, we will find that with age comes a certain lack of elasticity in our skin. Our collagen  is breaking down faster, and our skin is no longer protecting our blood vessels as well as it was once able to do. Without the cushioning collagen provides, the blood vessels become more vulnerable.

Collagen is a fiber-like substance that gives our skin the ability to bounce back when it is touched. With plenty of collagen, our skin feels firm and does not wrinkle. Collagen breaks down faster as we age, and that is why we become more wrinkled as time goes by. While most people who are thinking about collagen are just thinking about wrinkling and what they can do to prevent wrinkles, but collagen needs to also be considered when we examine our easy bruising.

The second part of bruising that we need to consider is that the collagen in our body is being manufactured in much lower levels and much more slowly than it was when we were young. This is a natural part of aging, and though reduced collagen is not truly harmful to us, it can cause us to think that we have started bruising heavily nearly overnight.

When we look at these two bruising causes, we will find that it is only natural to see more bruising as we age. When people start wondering why they are only now noticing their bruises, they are simply reacting to the same kind of trauma or injury in a new and different way.

What we need to keep in mind is that there are a number of ways to approach treatment for our bruising. There are many people who suffer from the same condition, and while this problem is new to us, there are definitely ways for us to deal with it.  We are certainly not alone and there are many other people who are going through precisely what we are experiencing.

Now that we are aware of the origin of our bruising easily and what it might mean,  it’s time for us to look into how we go about overcoming it. We all need to get started with the daily supplement program Bruises Be Banned, so that we can overcome our easy bruising and prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life due to your ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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