Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Step 2 Of Ten Steps To Prevent Bruising: We’ve Got Thinner Skin And Capillary Walls

This Type Of Behavior Won’t Prevent Bruising Easily!

Hello Again:

When we want to get rid of easy bruising once and for all, remember that we need to understand what the causes are and what the changes our body might be experiencing that may contribute to this problem.  Just because we are now noticing how fragile we sometimes seem to be doesn’t mean that our situation is unique, or that we could have avoided it.  The truth is that our body has changed as we’ve gotten older, especially concerning the way it reacts to trauma and injury. Bruises are a natural part of  the aging process.

The bruising that we are noticing now is a relatively common occurrence that affects people after a certain point in time. Though there are several serious diseases or disorders that might haven easy bruising as a symptom, we will find that for the vast majority of people, this condition is a normal one as we age.  Our skin is no longer as tough or as elastic as it was in our youth, because there is simply less collagen available.  We need to examine some of the other factors that may be affecting our skin and affecting the way that it reacts to stress and trauma.  Educating ourselves on this issue can help us find the means to overcome our bruising easily problem.

Keep in mind that our skin is our body’s first line of defense.  It cushions our body against injury and it also helps prevent invasion of infection and disease.  Not only can skin become frailer through a loss of collagen, a lifetime of exposure to the sun can also make it thinner.  Similarly, the tiny blood vessels under our skin known as capillaries may have thinner walls due to reduced blood pressure, and this makes them more fragile and more inclined to break when they are subjected to pressure. These are all common factors that accompany aging and contribute to easy bruising.

How often do we lightly bump into things during the day? Walking around corners or into counters, we might bump our hip or our shoulder, or we might simply try to catch a closing door on our forearm to prop it open. This minor contact does not hurt us, but it can cause our skin to bruise.  Minor contact can sometimes make a spectacularly ugly bruise.

Also remember that our body does not heal itself as quickly as it once did. Do you remember being a child or a teen and how quickly you could heal from illness or injuries?   Our metabolism is slowing down, and our ability to heal ourselves is slowing down with it.

Think about the fact that our skin and capillary walls are now more likely to sustain injury and less capable of healing as quickly as they once did.  When you put these conditions together, it’s easy to see why we have become much more prone to bruise easily.

At this point, we are aware of the two major common causes of easy bruising – loss of collagen and thinner skin and capillary walls.  Now we need to figure out what we are going to do with this knowledge.  Following the daily Bruises Be Banned supplement program  can get us the start that we need when it comes to getting rid of those frequent, ugly bruises, and we’ll find that using it can help us prevent bruising altogether before they occur in the first place.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life due to your ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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