Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Step 3 Of Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising: We Need To Evaluate Our Diet!

Diet Won’t Help Prevent Bruising If You Do This!

Hello Again:

If you are tired of bruising at the least provocation, it is time for us to take a look at what we are eating. The food that we consume has a lot to do with the way that our body reacts to trauma and to how our skin looks, and there are plenty of reasons why diet will affect our easy bruising.  We need to learn how following a  healthy diet can help eve us overcome our traumatic bruising.

First, think about the fact that our circulatory system is significantly linked to our skin’s predisposition to bruise.  It seems inevitable that as we get older, our capillary walls will grow more fragile, leaving us more vulnerable to bruising.  This means that even lightest bump or nudge can often lead to truly impressive bruising.  While this is not an uncommon occurrence, it is an unpleasant part of aging that we can do something about.

Our skin is growing less elastic and providing our body with less and less protection, while at the same time the walls of our capillaries are thinning and becoming more prone to breaking.  This combination can lead to more frequent bruising, but remember that this is not something that we have to just live with.  Instead, it’s time to see what a change in our diet can do to help heal the bruises that we already have and to prevent the bruising easily from taking place at all.

There are several modifications and changes that we can make to our diet that will help us alleviate our easy bruising and also help us maintain a higher level of health in general.  Everyone needs to eat better, so commit to educating yourself on food and how it might affect the way that our body functions and heals itself.  There are some important facts that we need to learn about diet if we want to eat properly to reduce bruising.

First, make things easy on ourselves and keep a food diary.  Write down everything we eat and the quantities of what we eat.  This will help us monitor how well the changes that we have implemented are actually working. Also remember that we should keep track of the bruises that we might get and correlate it to the food that we are eating. We should first try cutting out processed foods, and seeing how much that might help.

Similarly, eating foods that are high in carbohydrates or high in fat will actually increase our tendency to bruise easily as well as reduce our ability to heal ourselves and to stay generally healthy.  Too much fat or salt in our diet will increase the chances of our body’s functions being unbalanced.  Too much salt will increase our blood pressure and cause more profuse bleeding where trauma occurs.  Higher blood pressure placed on weakened veins in our body will increase the likelihood that they are going to be broken.

When you are examining how your diet affects your body and what you can do to use diet to prevent bruising, think about steering yourself towards vegetables and fruits that have bright colors. Bright colors indicate nutrients that you need, and squash, sweet potatoes and red peppers are all good things to incorporate.

Now that we know a little more about the diet that it takes to help overcome bruising, get started today.  Don’t forget that a good diet can be made much more effective by including the daily supplement program Bruises Be Banned, and that this program can help us reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life due to your ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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