Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Step 4 Of Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, : Adjust Your Diet Even More!

If You Want To Prevent Bruising, You Won’t Do This!

Hello Again:

When we are on a campaign to overcome our easy bruising, we now know that we should reduce foods that are highly processed or that have large amounts of fat and sugar.  Once we have removed those foods from our diet, we might be wondering what more can we do?  If our bruising is related to age with the breakdown of the collagen in our skin and the thinning of our skin and capillary walls, we should consider other areas of improvement of our diet that may prove beneficial for us.  Optimizing our dietary behavior is a necessary step when we are trying to eliminate or tendency to bruising easily.

First, think about the fact that we must continue to nourish our body.  We ask a lot of our bodies every day, and we need to think about how we can best treat them as well.  High blood pressure is a common thing among people who bruise easily, and we may find that  our diet may be the prime contributor to it.  Consider how reducing our sodium intake (primarily salt) can help us be generally healthier, as well as help reduce the amount of bruising that we are experiencing.  A diet that is high in sodium can have many negative consequences for us.

Another thing that can greatly reduce the level of bruising that we are seeing is to eat more at home.  Cooking and eating at home can reduce the amount of sodium that we consume because we know exactly what is going into our food.  We won’t be surprised by the amount of oil and salt in our food, and we will find that when we cook at home, it is almost invariably better for us than restaurant fare.

When we are eating to improve our easy bruising problem, examine how we can increase the protein that we are eating. While many people think of protein with a little bit of wariness, the truth of the matter is that lean protein can help our body rebuild itself from damage it has undergone.  Use lean cuts of beef and pork, and add more poultry to our diet.

If you want to increase the amount of protein that we are eating, consider how eggs can help.  Medical research has shown that the type of cholesterol that is found in eggs is actually somewhat beneficial to the maintenance of our body. If we have heart issues, it may be best to reconsider how eggs may affect us.

There is certainly nothing wrong with adding more vegetables into our diet.   The more vegetables that we eat, the more nutrients that we are putting into our body.  Providing more nutrients for our body means that we are giving ourselves a better chance for our body to repair itself.   Remember to avoid cooking our vegetables with too much salt or fat, and we should also consider eating them raw.

When we go shopping in the produce section, we might be a little overwhelmed by all of the available options.  Stick with colorful choices.  White potatoes are fine every once in a while, but there is more starch in them than anything else.  On the other hand, sweet potatoes are great sources of fiber and beta carotene.  Eating colorfully can lead you towards the vegetables that are most beneficial diet-wise.

Think about all we can do when it comes to modifying our diet.  Reduce the fatty meats that we eat, and throw in more vegetables.  This can enhance our opportunities for overcoming bruising.   Even with all the changes we make to our diet, we should consider the additional benefits we can gain from the Bruises Be Banned program. This daily supplement program can ensure that we are getting the maximum positive results from our diet changes.  It helps us reduce bruising easily and can help prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life due to your ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book absolutely free by signing up on the website home page.

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