Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Step 5 Of Ten Steps To Prevent Bruising: Add Specific Vitamins To Your Daily Routine!

Skip These Activities To Prevent Bruising!

Hello Again:

None of us want to endure easy bruising, but it is important to be aware that bruising might be a symptom of a medical condition, and we need to eliminate that possibility from our discussion.  While easy bruising is generally caused by our body becoming more fragile as it ages, it can also be a sign of a vitamin deficiency.  Whether or not our bruising is caused by a vitamin deficiency, we should take a look at augmenting our diet with some vitamins.  There are several vitamins that can be beneficial in our fight against bruising easily.

We first need to understand what vitamins specifically do.  They are substances that interact with specific bodily functions as catalysts, and our bodies do not produce them.  Because our bodies are unable to make these vitamins, we need to find them from an outside source.  Even with a well balanced diet, our body might be missing something that it needs for proper functioning, and easy bruising might be a result of that shortage.  That being said, what are the vitamins that can help prevent bruising easily?

When we are evaluating what vitamins might be beneficial to reduce or prevent easy bruising, taking a look at vitamin C is a good place to start.  Despite what a lot of people think, vitamin C is not a cure-all, but it is a great immune system booster.  Upping our intake of vitamin C when we feel a cold coming on can help prevent the cold entirely.  More importantly for us is the fact that this vitamin is essential to  our body’s collagen production.  Collagen enhances our skin’s flexibility and provides lubrication for our joints.  Both of these qualities can help reduce bruising.

When we start looking for ways to add vitamin C to our diet, we will find that looking to citrus fruits is a terrific choice. Juice from grapefruits, limes, and oranges can all get us some terrific amounts of vitamin C, but eating the fruit raw is even more beneficial. Eating the fruit enhances the vitamins being absorbed by our body. Vitamin C supplements can also be quite handy.

Another vitamin that can help reduce our bruising while it improves our body’s circulatory system is vitamin K. This vitamin will helps  keep our circulatory system running at peak efficiency. The Germans who discovered that this vitamin aided blood coagulation named it vitamin K since the word coagulation begins with “k” in the German language. They also noted that the vitamin is excellent for accelerating healing.  Vitamin K  can help heal existing bruises when it is applied topically, and it can help prevent bruising when taken internally.

There are several means to get more vitamin K into our system.  For instance, there are many vegetables that contain significant amounts of vitamin K.  Dark green, leafy vegetables like  kale, spinach, and collard greens are rich in vitamin K.  Vitamin K can be taken as a supplement, and  it also available topical serum or cream for topical use for existing bruises.

Vitamin E also needs to be discussed when evaluating vitamins that can help overcome easy bruising.  Look into using vitamin E externally when you want to treat existing bruises.  Vitamin E can be taken internally as either a supplement or gained from eating things like sunflower seeds and almonds.  Vitamin E is best used externally, because it provides far fewer benefits taken internally than the previously mentioned vitamins C and K.

One of the best way to get the vitamins listed above into your system in the proper quantities is to follow the Bruises Be Banned daily program which also contains other minerals and nutrients that when combined with the vitamins gives us the best opportunity to prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life due to your ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book absolutely free by signing up on the website home page.

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