Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Step 6 Of Ten Steps To Prevent Bruising: Add These Specific Nutrients To Your Diet!

Give Up These Gymnastics To Help Stop Bruising!

Hello Everyone:

Though we may find that we are going to be more prone to easy bruising as we age, this doesn’t mean that it is inevitable.  To make sure that we keep those dark bruises away, it is time to start taking a look at how we can supplement the food that we have been eating. Though all of our bodies will respond in different ways, starting with adding citrus bioflavonoids and bilberry supplements will give us a great launching point when we are trying to overcome our bruising easily woes.

We all know that more frequent bruising is something that can occur as we age, but we need to consider the causes of why that might be happening.  For instance, one contributing factor might be the fact that as we lose collagen, our skin becomes thinner and less elastic.  Another factor might be the fact that our capillary walls are thinner and more inclined to break, leading to dark, dramatic bruises.  Thinking about the cause will help us decide what our options are going to be when it comes to getting the supplements that are most beneficial for us.

First, let’s take a look at bioflavonoids.  Bioflavonoids are plant pigments that are soluble in water.  There are approximately 4,000 of them currently identified, and they can be found in everything from apples, to grains, to nuts, and to teas; and that’s really only the tip of the iceberg.  When we are thinking about putting bioflavonoids into our diet, citrus bioflavonoids are the most readily available, and we are really going to be eating much more healthily just from the process of adding these nutrients.

There are several qualities that make bioflavonoids so healthy for us.  The fundamentals of their benefits rely on the fact that they are anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and anti-viral substances.  All of these things will help keep us healthier and less prone to illness, but they will also help keep our circulatory system in better health.  We will be able to reduce bruising and to limit the muscle strain that we undergo by adding the consumption of bioflavonoids along with our improved diet.

So what are the benefits of bilberries?  Bilberries, which are actually an entire group of berries found on compact, dark green shrubs, are excellent sources of specific nutrients that are similar to bioflavonoids.  These small berries are delicious, and they can be used to help treat everything from inflammation to illness.  They also help us keep our arteries from hardening, and they are also excellent for people who need help controlling their blood pressure.

One of the issues that people run into is that it is not always easy to find fresh bilberries.  They are often available as supplements, both as a primary ingredient and as a secondary ingredient, so scour the shelves for good bilberry supplements.  Of course, the fresh bilberries can do the most good for us when we are looking at health benefits.

We shouldn’t just resign ourselves to getting lots of bruises as we get older.  There are a number of things that we can try,  and if one method does not work for us, try another.  We’ll find that bruising and then working to cover up our bruises does not have to be a way of life for us.

Determine how we are going to integrate bilberries and bioflavonoids into our diet.  There are many different ways to help us overcome our bruising, and adding bilberries and bioflavonoids to our daily regimen, would be a great place to get started.  If we don’t want to worry about coming up with the best formulation on our own, we already know about the unique daily supplement program, Bruises Be Banned, which contains the recommended amounts of citrus bioflavonoids and bilberry as well as critical vitamins and minerals that can help us stop bruising altogether.

Remember the only thing we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily program is our social life because of our ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan, The “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book absolutely free by signing up on the website home page.

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