Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Dry Skin Care Is A Bit Challenging

The very high variety of dry skin care products, makes the treatment of sensitive skin a lot easier nowadays. Dry skin is often incompatible with many of the commercial products whether creams or lotions, because they contain petroleum compounds that are not exactly suitable for dry skin care. Always choose those products that contain natural hypoallergenic ingredients that will not trigger any allergic reaction and will be totally healthy for the skin.

Cocoa butter, Shea butter or virgin coconut oil make just a few examples of natural solutions for dry skin care. They all contain highly nourishing ingredients that are well tolerated by the skin, not to mention that the high content of vitamins A, C, D, E and protein have a rejuvenating impact on the tissues, preventing wrinkle formation.

Although the emphasis most often falls on the importance of moisturizing, cleaning is equally important for adequate dry skin care. Thus, keep in mind the fact that tap water harms the skin by its high content of fluoride, chlorine and all sorts of other chemicals that dry the skin even further. Although most skin care experts recommend the use of alcohol-free cleaning lotions, cosmetic milk and toners, you can also use cold mineral water. Yet, we should admit that toners and milks both clean and moisturize at the same time.

A tip that lots of people tend to ignore is that when bathing or showering, you need to cut back on the amount of time you spend in the water. Then, test the soaps on small skin portions to prevent allergic reactions, and check that the pH is a neutral one. After showering tap the skin dry instead of rubbing it, because because a rough treatment with the towel aggravates dry skin, worsening the sensitivity and the flaking. Then, as part of the dry skin care routine, you should apply a moisturizer when the skin is still damp after showering.

In case you have developed some itchy areas on the body, it is important not to scratch; moisturizing will soothe the itching, but you’ll have to see a doctor to exclude the possibility of a dermatological condition. Dry skin will be more easily affected by eczema, which is one more reason to be very careful with dry skin care on a daily basis. Specialists suggest people who suffer from dry skin to stick to a diet rich in organic elements and essential oils as the best way to enjoy a solid health and a great looking skin.

Other great information on dry skin lotion , skin moisturizers , and lotion on skin can be found at .

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