Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

How To Include A Walking Workout In Your Daily Routine

Hello Again:

This is another of those times where I putting someone else’s article on this blog.  We’ve talked about the benefits of low impact exercise to help prevent bruising easily, so this seemed to fit right in.  I hope it is informative for you.

Walking is a fantastic way to exercise. The large majority of us do it on a daily basis. Apart from a comfortable pair of shoes, it requires no special equipment – and you can fit it into your daily schedule whenever it’s convenient for you. There are no costly monthly membership fees to pay – so it’s also a very cost effective way to take exercise.

The health benefits of walking are many and varied. It’s actually hard to believe that so many benefits are obtainable from such an easily accomplished, low impact, low injury risk workout. Consistency is the key – regular low level exercise is very much better than sporadic bursts of intense physical activity.

Thirty minutes of walking, three or four times a week, on a regular basis, will produce results that you can both see and feel. If you can work up to 10,000 steps a day – that’s somewhere between four and a half and five miles for most people – you will really reap the rewards.

There are numerous opportunities to walk a little more each day. If your schedule allows you to fit in a half hour, or even an hour, of walking daily then that’s good. If that’s not practical for you then there’s no need to despair – there are many ways to ramp up your daily number os steps taken.

Leaving the car at home and walking to the shops or work is an oft repeated piece of advice. However, if that’s not practical for you due to the distance involved, then take the car as usual. Just park up in the far corner of the parking lot so that you have a greater distance to cover to the entrance. If you travel by subway or bus instead of by car then consider getting off one or two steps before your final destination and complete the last leg of your journey on foot.

Taking a ten or fifteen minute walk during your lunch hour will be better for you than eating a sandwich slumped in front of your computer. Take advantage of modern technology and walk around when you’re talking on your mobile or cordless phone. A fifteen minute phone call should give you the opportunity to fit in an extra 1,000 steps to your day. That’s the kind of multi-tasking that’s good for you.

If most of your walking is fitted into your day on a piece-meal basis, then you might want to consider getting yourself a pedometer. These can be worn discreetly on your belt or carried in your pocket. A pedometer will let you monitor your progress in terms of the number of steps taken, the distance covered or the number of calories burned. Tracking your progress in this manner will help you to stay motivated and will encourage you to seek out ever more innovative ways of incorporating walking into your daily routine.

Check out the huge selection of styles available from Fitflops – sandals, boots, clogs and slippers.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program is your social life because of your ugly bruises.

Talk again tomorrow,

Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Take a look at our newest Press Release at to find out out about how you can get Part I of our new book Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising absolutely FREE.

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