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Bruises Be Banned » Blog Archive » Hydration and Nutrition and You: Get the Facts

Sports nutrition is a topic that is complex, and even professional nutritionists have differing opinions on what is the best course of nutrition for an athlete.  As in any area of training, people have pet theories upon which they design entire athletic regimens.   There are basics, though, that cannot be ignored.  Adequate hydration is most important.

The importance of hydration cannot be overstated.   Many health professionals say that many, if not most, people live in a constant state of dehydration.   Not very many people actually consume as much water as they need.  One should not go overboard with drinking hundreds of ounces of water a day, but one must absolutely maintain a baseline level for health.  Being mindful of such things as the importance of not confusing thirst with hunger can also be very helpful in avoiding a constant state of partial dehydration.

Athletes should be particularly concerned with maintaining proper hydration.  The loss of sweat through heavy exertion means that water must be replenished to keep the body working in top form.   Water is necessary to promote the transportation of various nutrients, as well as to assist in elimination of waste products from the body.   Water lubricates joints and tissues, and keeps body temperature under control.  Finally, water aids in proper digestion.   You can tell that you’re adequately hydrated if you produce a goodly amount of light-colored, diluted urine.   Watch for deep colored urine as a danger sign of not enough water.

The right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins is very important to the best sports performance.  Protein helps the body to repair damaged muscles, as well as build new muscles.  Carbohydrates are responsible for providing the energy that causes muscles to contract.   One should not necessarily go high-protein or high-carbohydrate when devising a strategy for nutrition.   Balance is the most important aspect of creating a workable plan.   Learning as much as you can about the consequences of your diet will help you better understand your own physiology.   One example is that choosing a high-protein diet can make you more susceptible to dehydration.

Athletes that are vegetarians need to be very careful about designing their eating plan.  Vegetarians must pay close attention to protein intake, and be sure that they are getting an adequate amount to support their training regimen.    Get tested regularly to make sure your nutritional needs are adequately met.  Female athletes, for example, can be susceptible to iron deficiencies.  In addition, many are deficient in such vitamins as the B varieties, as well as all-important vitamin D.

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