Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Who has time for Health?

Staying Healthy isn’t hard – its just (in our busy world) time  consuming. And takes some focus and action.

Plus its so hard to see the results.

However if you are overweight, or always tired, or cant sleep or are irritable and jumpy all the time – (all different symptoms of a body out of sync with its health) – then there are some obvious results.

But nevertheless we tend to like things that are fast, require no personal action and have huge results.

And life takes such – maintenance – really who has the time?

It would be a help if we could maintain an’avatar’ of ourselves at 10 and 15 and 20. And then as we progress in our lives pop back into that body in that time and see what it felt like to be – healthy and energetic.

If you dont maintain your health, god habits good eating, the change is usually gradual. The decay if you will is slow and hard to notice at first. You need a 15 year old you to measure youresl, then we could all see how much w let our health go.

But as yet we cant avatar ourselves back to youth, so we have to make do with applied effort (the worst kind of effort, effortless effort is my preference..ah well)

Beig healthy means being normal. You sleep, you eat, you move around with ease and have good stamina. Who doesnt? Well try being unhealthy for a few months and you will see – you dont. But the decline is also gradual, so its hard to notice. If you could always hold up a living portrait of say you at 10 and at 16 and at 20 against how you are later, then you would see your decline.

A Healthy Life takes maintenance.

Here are some keywords for simple health

* moderation
* awareness
* time
* relaxation
* outside

When you eat, don’t eat a lot of any one thing.

Eat less and less of packaged and prepared foods. Avoid white bread.

When you eat, take time to eat, be aware you are eating.

When you exercise  be aware, don’t just plug into your iPod, be aware of your body moving, your breathing your muscles.And give yourself time to exercise.

Have time to relax. Have times when you shut down. (no drugs)

Have a time when you walk barefoot in grass (weather allowing, of course). There is nothing better for your mental well being, and for physical balance than to allow your muscles the freedom to walk without heels or padding through new grass.

Walk outside once a day, somewhere that has trees. Ideally somewhere that has trees and a body of water. Breathe and be aware of your surroundings.

Take time to get outside your work routine and allow your mind and body to have a break and re connect with the physical world.

Meditation would be a good idea, an unwinding of our tightly wound thoughts on a regular basis. But if that doesn’t appeal to you , take a walk outside wheres there’s trees and water, and very little visual appearance of our manic building operations.

Take time to be aware you are a physical being and you are alive in a physical world of great beauty.

Take time to be quiet and be aware you are  breathing.

Some more basic and in-depth health and wellness info – xswebhealth

Health, wellness and the basics

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