Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Does Aging Mean We Will Tend To Bruise More Easily?

These Activities Will Not Help You Prevent Bruising!

Hello Again:

With our last post, we completed a ten part series that we hope was educational for you.  Today we’ll be starting a new six part series which we hope will also add to all of our knowledge bases.

If we happen to glance at our body and notice fresh bruises seemingly each time that we look, it means that our body is trying to tell us something. The first important thing is in the recognition that something out of the ordinary is happening, and the next important step to take is to do little bit of research to try and establish just what condition it is that our body’s is trying to inform us of.

Of course there are several reasons that can account for our body becoming more susceptible to easy bruising, and the most common reason of all is aging.  It is not all unusual to find out that we are bruising more readily as you grow older; but having said that, we still need to evaluate our physical circumstances and our well being in case there are any other possible causes that may be contributing to this phenomenon – after all, if we can reduce the incidence of bruising, we should do so.

It is one of the facts of life that as we age, our skin becomes thinner and begins to lose its elasticity.  This means that our skin loses some of its cushioning ability to protect our blood vessels.  It is also the reason that wrinkles begin to appear. As this transformation occurs, our skin becomes more prone to sustaining damage and injury.

Bruising manifests itself when the tiny blood vessels sitting close to the inner surface of our skin are broken. As we  know from our own experience, when we bang a part of our body against something our skin itself is not cut or ruptured, but because your skin no longer affords the protection it once did to the blood vessels beneath it, those same blood vessels now sustain damage, and it is they that rupture at the point of contact.

In addition to the aging and thinning of our skin, the walls of  our capillaries, the smallest of the blood vessels, also become thinner, and this makes these blood vessels themselves more easy to injury.  It is the combination of both of these factors together that makes the whole bruising process more likely to occur, and often even when the accidental collisions with objects are quite mild.

As we continue to age, there is another factor that comes into play when we analyze the causes of bruising; and this is the levels of collagen that our body produces.  Collagen is the name given to a certain substance that our body manufactures, and it is this infusion of collagen into the skin that gives it its all important elasticity characteristic.  We will no doubt be familiar with this name, because many skin care treatments use and advertise its presence in their formulas.  It is often branded as a youth enhancing product.

While it is generally accepted (for the reasons given above) that we become more susceptible to bruising as we get older, there are some people that are in our same age group that seem to bruise more readily than others.  People who take greater care to avoid collisions will obviously bruise less often than others who are constantly knocking into things, so paying a little more attention to our personal care can help.  Genetics can also influence how easily we bruise.

The more we can discover about the causes of our bruising, the more we will be able to avoid then happening, and the less bruising we will experience, but it may also be worth our time to consider the anti-bruising treatment Bruises Be Banned.  This can help to further minimize, or even completely prevent bruising altogether through the natural supplements that it contains which helps to minimize the effects of the aging process.

Remember that the only thing we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is our social life because of our ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Take a look at our newest Press Release at to find out out about how you can get Part I of our new book “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising” absolutely FREE.

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