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Bruises Be Banned » Blog Archive » Did You Know That Bruising Can be a Sign of Serious Disease?

If You Want To Prevent Bruising At Work, Don’t Do This!

Hello Again:

Today we’re going to take a look at some rather serious medical conditions that have easy bruising as one of their symptoms.  With this post, we are not in any way attempting to take the place of any medical professional’s opinion, but we are trying to show that the vast majority of these serious conditions with bruising easily as a symptom have many other symptoms as well.  This post is simply to point out some of those additional symptoms that may point to the need to visit our doctor.

With the majority of people, the tendency to bruise easily is no more than a completely natural body reaction when you collide with or bump into another object, especially as you get older.  In some other generally rare instances, easy bruising can be a sign that there is a more serious underlying problem.

If we ever do suspect that there is some other hidden cause to our bruising, other than accidentally knocking into something, then we need to calmly and rationally look elsewhere by evaluating our personal circumstances.  The internet is a great source of learning material, so you we carry out a few online searches and see what results we come up with.  But whatever we do, don’t go jumping to any conclusions.  Keep your evaluation clear, calm and methodical.

Most research will show us that the tendency to experience a condition in which you are easy to bruise, is more often than not an inherited syndrome.  One such condition is something known as Von Willebrand’s disease.  Normally handed down through the family gene trail, Von Willebrand’s turns into Lupus disease, a condition whereby our body comes under attack from its own auto-immune system with one of the tell-tale signs is increased bruising.  Women are actually 5 times more prone than men to suffer from Lupus disease, particularly those with an African heritage.

Another disease that has easy bruising as a symptom is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.  There are actually 10 different variations of Ehlers, and as well as bruising easily, other symptoms include super elasticity of the skin, and a tendency for the joints to become easily dislocated.  The condition is hereditary, being passed down through immediate family members, and it affects approximately one in every five thousand births.

Hemophilia, another disease that is inherited through the genes running in the family, is probably the best known of the diseases that has easy bruising as a symptom.  Should you be unfamiliar with the nature of hemophilia, it is a disease that prevents your blood from clotting, so when a hemophiliac breaks the blood vessels that cause bruising, they continue to bleed, making the actual bruise itself a very dark and angry looking object.  With today’s modern medical technology, babies that have hemophilia are diagnosed at birth.

Bruises that linger longer than normal, can indicate diabetes. This is another condition that can be passed down through our genes, although it can also be caused by other things too, such as receiving a traumatic shock.  Diabetes is a condition whereby blood sugar levels can get dangerously high, and one of the effects of the elevated blood sugar level is to prolong the longevity of any bruises that a diabetic suffers.  As with the bruises that a hemophiliac suffers, a diabetic’s bruises also appear to be darker and therefore more dramatic.

Another condition that can make us bruise easily is scurvy, which is mostly remembered in today’s modern times as something which sailors in the day before steam ships used to suffer from.  Scurvy is brought about by a lack of vitamin C.  This vital vitamin is used by your body to both boost its immune system, and to stimulate the manufacture collagen.  Scurvy therefore reduces your body’s capability of self healing, so once again any bruises that you display will be darker and will look more vicious than they otherwise might.  Other symptoms are even more dramatic, such as loosing teeth and constantly bleeding gums.

If you are seriously worried about your susceptibility to bruise easily, then you should go and see your family doctor, explain your concerns and get yourself checked out.  In all likelihood there will be nothing like the conditions mentioned here, but it always pays to be safe, and it can give you peace of mind.

Knowing that our bruising is probably no more than our body’s natural reaction to bumping into things is comforting, but you should also consider following the natural supplement program from Bruises Be Banned, which not only helps to overcome easy bruising but it also can help prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily program is our social life because of our ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Take a look at our newest Press Release at to find out out about how you can get Part I of our new book “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising” absolutely FREE.

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