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Bruises Be Banned » Blog Archive » Did You Know That Lack of Exercise Can Lead To Easy Bruising?

You Might NOT Want To Chose Aerobic Exercising To Help You Prevent Bruising!

Hello Again:

Although it doesn’t seem to be intuitive, we probably don’t realize that lack of exercise can contribute to the fact that we bruise easily. This may at first sound somewhat strange, but in the same way that our diet can affect our tendency to bruise easily, so can a lack of proper, regular exercise.

This is because it is not just the “external” fitness of our body that exercise tones up, but it affects our “internal” fitness of our bodily systems as well. The fact of the matter is that when our body’s internal systems are working at optimum levels, we will not only feel and look better, but we will not bruise so easily either, and on the occasion when we do bruise, our recovery will be faster.  So let’s just take a quick look at how and why regular exercise can contribute to a less bruise- prone person.

When we talk about physical exercise, we are talking specifically about aerobic or cardiovascular exercise.  Although they are actually two names describing the same thing; it’s just the fact that people tend to associate cardio with body building and aerobics with weight loss.  If you remove the muscle building exercises from cardio, we are left with aerobics.  The term cardiovascular relates to our circulation system, (your heart and your lungs), and when our circulatory system works more efficiently, any bruising is minimized and our recovery will be faster.

When we do regular aerobic/cardio exercise, we increase the amount of blood that is pulsing through our veins and blood vessels, and this has the effect of making the capillary walls of those blood vessels stronger. As we are already aware, bruising is caused when the blood vessels just beneath the skin are broken on some sort of impact, when a part of our body bumps into  something, so any strengthening of the capillary walls is all to the good.

Balancing exercises are actually very good because they have two sorts of benefits.  In the first place these balancing exercises mean that we tend to work on the muscles that support balance, and these are the muscles that are not ordinarily exercised, so that is beneficial to our overall body health and fitness.  But the very nature of balancing exercises, improving our sense of balance and coordination, means that we will also become more adept at being able to avoid difficult situations that might otherwise cause us to collide with something, trip over something, or cause us to lose our balance and fall, causing bruising.

The other great thing about cardio/aerobic exercise is that it increases our metabolic rate. All dieters will be aware of this because once our metabolic rate increases it means that we burn off fat more quickly, even while we are asleep. But our metabolic rate also contributes to our speed of recovery from injury, so a faster metabolic rate means a faster recovery rate too; therefore, with any bruising we do manage to sustain, we will recover much more quickly. We win both ways.

Aerobic exercise is actually easy, because we don’t even have to go to the gym.  Good effective forms of aerobic/cardio exercise include walking, jogging, swimming, skipping, and cycling; and they don’t have to be particularly strenuous. Just as long as we work hard enough to increase our heart and lung rate, we will be upping our metabolic rate and contributing to a faster recovery time from any bruising.

But even when we have gotten our diet sorted out and our exercise routines in place, we still want to go just one step further and follow the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program, which will give us a natural supplement boost to our diet and enhance our body systems’ health.  This extra step will help us reduce bruising easily and help prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned supplement program is our social life due to our ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at our newest Press Release at to find out out about how you can get Part I of our new book “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising” absolutely FREE.

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