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Bruises Be Banned » Blog Archive » Wouldn’t You Rather Prevent Bruising Than Heal Bruises After The Fact?

These Summer Activities Won’t Help You Stop Bruising!

Hello Again:

When we suffer from easy bruising we find ourselves sick and tired of the quizzical looks people give when they spot our condition, or the ceaseless questions as to how we happened to get these bruises. You may be surprised to know that there are countless millions of people who also suffer from easy bruising.  It’s quite a common complaint; so that makes it all the more curious as to why it is that so many people do not seem to seek some type of prevention rather than simply looking for a cure after the bruise occurs. Perhaps they don’t believe there is a way to actually prevent bruising?

Because we’re one of the many easy bruising sufferers, we should be trying all that we can to minimize our condition. We should examine our diet very carefully, and make sure that we are eating a healthy, well balanced diet that provides all of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that a healthy body system requires.  We should also have a regular physical aerobic exercise regime in place to keep our metabolism high, and to ensure that our body’s self repairing mechanism is in tip top condition.

Knowing how to treat existing bruises should not be ignored, because the right treatment applied at the right time can speed up our recovery time quite considerably.  The application of a cold water compress is very helpful if applied immediately after the incident, but not too cold, nor for too long, otherwise we can damage the skin and slow down recovery.  It is not advised to use a hot water compress as it may actually inflame the affected area.

Once we have sustained a bruise, we should be protective of it so that we do not bump it again and cause further damage, which can extend the recovery time, and make the bruise look worse in the intervening period. Unfortunately, if you are a person who bruises easily, we may well find that no matter how careful we are, we will always have small accidents that lead to more bruising.

There are a lot of old wives tales that speak of various treatments to speed bruise recovery, but we do need to be careful of them.  For example, applying butter will do no good whatsoever, and applying ice to the affected area can make the situation even worse.  As for sacrificing our dinner by using a piece of cold steak – forget it.  It would be more economic and more practical too, to simply apply a cold water compress as discussed earlier.

There are a number of off the shelf remedies that can be bought at our local drug store, or from the pharmacy section of large supermarkets, or even from an online source.  But make sure that we look before we leap.  Most of the treatments we come across are totally ineffective, and we will just be throwing our hard earned money away. So before we decide what to buy, we need to do a bit of research.

There is on old adage that says that “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”, and this is very true, especially with bruising easily.  Why suffer the embarrassment if we don’t have to?  So if we do our research carefully, we’ll find that the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program can not only speed up the recovery time, but can also help to prevent bruising altogether, especially when taken in conjunction with a well balanced, healthy diet combined with a regular, physical exercise regime.

Remember the only thing we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is our social life because of our ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at our newest Press Release at to find out out about how you can get Part I of our new book “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising” absolutely FREE.

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