Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Why I Celebrate July 4th, Our Independence Day!

Join Me In Celebrating Our Independence Day!

Hello Again:

This post will not be on our usual topics of easy bruising or how to prevent bruising but on a topic that is very personal for me.

This weekend gives each of us here in the United States a reason to be grateful, and I’ll give you some of my unsolicited viewpoints on what it means to me.  Some 234 years ago, a relatively small group of men, declared this country to be independent and free from the British Crown, one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time.  Every man who signed that Declaration of Independence put his life and all of his property at risk, and many of them would lose either or both before this nation’s freedom had been won.

Because of the foresight of that group of men, I have the opportunity to live in the greatest country on earth, and even to write this bit of sentiment.  The process that those men started for the benefit of these United States, was one that has effected untold millions of people all over the world.  Freedom and independence have been brought to many because of the work of those few, principled men.

I hope that wherever you may be, whether free or wanting to be free, that you will join me in celebrating my Country’s Independence Day, July 4th.

I thank you for reading my ramble, and I wish each of you personal freedom and independence.

Until next time,

Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program is you social life due to your ugly bruises.

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