Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

How Does A Low Fat, High Protein Diet Affect My Easy Bruising?

No Diet Will Help Prevent Bruising If You Do This!

Hello Again:

Are you noticing that you are getting bruises that just seem to come out of no where?  Are you noticing that you might bruise spectacularly from what seems like just a slight bump?  If so, it is time for us to consider what we are eating.  While there are many different causes for easy bruising, remember that our diet has a lot to do with what maybe happening.

While no one has come up with the perfect bruise-free diet yet, as far as we know, the impact of what we eat can have huge affect on our tendency to bruise.  We need to evaluate what our diet is doing to our body and think about the affects of what we are eating really mean.

First, when we consider eating a high protein, low fat diet,  we don’t have to worry about our iron intake. Iron is an important part of making sure that our circulatory system stays healthy, and the lack of iron in the body is associated with anemia. However, when we are eating a diet that is low in fat and high in protein, we will definitely be getting sufficient iron.

Because bruising happens when our capillaries are weakened and prone to damage, and because iron can strengthen our capillaries, we will find that this is a good choice generally.  For foods that are high in protein and iron, consider eating liver.  While liver is not to everyone’s taste, we’ll find that serving it with onions and rice can be a wonderfully healthy meal.

When we are thinking about eating a diet that is high in protein while being low in fat, we should also consider what it can do for our energy requirements.  When we eat a diet that is high in protein, we may find that we have a lot more energy than we had before.   For instance, we will enjoy better cardiovascular health and better circulatory health. Consider what kind of food that we need to facilitate this, and also consider the fact that if we have more energy, we will be more likely to live in as healthy a fashion as possible.  The more energy that we have the better it will be when it comes to taking care of ourselves.

No matter what sort of diet we we decide to pursue, think about going to our family doctor or general practitioner. You never know what kind of effect even a not so radical change is going to have on us.  As we consult with our doctor, discuss your easy bruising at the same time.

Bruising may be a sign of something more serious than just a diet imbalance, and if this is the case, the faster a diagnosis is made, the better off we are going to be.  Consulting with a family doctor just to make sure that everything is running the way that it should be is always a good idea, especially as we start to get older.

How does our diet affect our body and the way that we bruise?  If we have been thinking that we need to eat better, the time to get started on that is right now.  The food that we put into our body affects the way that it is going to be able to heal itself, so give strong consideration to starting a high protein, low fat diet today.

Even if we find and follow the perfect diet, following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program is a no-brainer.  This unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and natural nutrients will not only help us overcome our easy bruising, it will help us prevent bruising altogether.

Remember that the only thing that we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is our social life due to our ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve just written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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