Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Will Vegetarian Eating Stop My Bruising Easily?

This Summertime Boating Will Not Help You Stop Bruising!

Hello Again:

This will be the last of this series of posts regarding various diet types.  Vegetarianism may be the most misunderstood diet type of all, so this should help educate all of us on this widely followed dietary trend.

There is a lot of appeal in the vegetarian diet, and there are plenty of reasons that we might be considering whether it is for us.  However, the old urban legend that states that vegetarians are prone to easy bruising might be something that is holding us back. The truth of the matter is that we need to see what vegetarianism can do to and for our body, and we also need to look at how our diet affects our tendency to bruise.

First, let’s take a look at the theory that people who only eat fruits and vegetables will have a tendency to bruise more easily.  For the most part, the truth is that people who eat only vegetables, especially when they are young, and see easy bruising, are seeing the result of a vitamin deficiency.  While this is not unheard of, you’ll find that a little bit of care and attention to the food that our body requires can help us deal with the bruising.

This should not be a problem for us if we are eating a wide variety of foods.  While there are issues that can arise from not getting the vitamins that we need from any diet, we will find that there is generally no reason to avoid a vegetarian diet so long as we know what should be included in our diet; and therefore, know what we are lacking.

Once we have decided to start eating vegan or vegetarian, and if we noticed an increase in the bruises that we are getting, it is time for us to consider taking a look at the iron in our diet.  Iron is a mineral that will help us enhance our immune system, which facilitates our ability to heal, and it also facilitates a more effective circulatory system.  Iron is much easier to get from animal sources than from vegetables, but there are many different vegetables that can give us the iron that we need.

We need to ask ourselves the following two questions.  Where is the iron in our diet coming from, and can we make sure that you are going to be able to get enough of it?  When we go shopping, we’ll find that dark green vegetables at our local grocery store or farmer’s market are going to be our best bet.  Broccoli and spinach are heavy in iron, and prunes, cereals, soy products and molasses can all be fortified with iron as well. One sneaky way to get more iron into our diet is to start cooking in iron pots and pans.

An indirect way to get more iron in our diet and to skip our easy bruising is to make it easier for our body to assimilate iron.  Vitamin C helps us assimilate iron,  and it also does many other good things for our body, so why not integrate vitamin C into our diet?  Natural fruits are perfect for putting more vitamin C in our diet, but don’t forget more savory foods like sweet potatoes.

After we have decided to skip the animal products, remember that we still need to eat a balanced diet. Easy bruising can be a sign that it is time to look at what kinds of food that we are eating and what it is really doing for us.  While easy bruising can mean a number of different things, it could very easily be your body telling you to take care.

Even with a perfectly balanced diet, we should still consider adding the benefits of the Bruises Be Banned supplement program to our daily routine.  The uniquely formulated combination of ingredients found in Bruises Be Banned have been proved to help prevent bruising altogether by folks all over the world.

Remember that the only thing that we have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned program is our social life due to our ugly bruises.

Until next time,

Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve recently written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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