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Can Taking Aspirin On A Daily Basis Cause Me To Bruise Easily? – Bruises Be Banned!

If whenever the weather shifts you sense the pressure change and get a headache , or you take aspirin to relieve the pain from a brisk workout, you are probably unaware that aspirin can have an affect on the way that you bruise. If you happen to look down and determine that you are now bruising more often, you’ll have to consider how aspirin might be affecting you.

Why would aspirin cause you to bruise more easily? The reason that aspirin might be the culprit for your easy bruising is that it is an anti-platelet aggregate. This means that it stops your platelets from clumping together or clotting. While it does not work like a normal “blood thinner”, it can end up having much the same effect.

Most doctors will suggest that you use a pain killer other than aspirin if you have fallen down and gotten a nasty scrap, even if you normally use aspirin as a pain killer. Aspirin acts to cause you to bleed more freely than you would otherwise, because your blood is not clotting as quickly as it would absent the influence of aspirin.

Keeping this in mind, it’s easy to realize why aspirin can be one symptom of easy bruising. A bruise is defined as the result of blood pooling beneath the skin due to a ruptured blood vessel. When the skin is not broken, the blood will collect below the skin, causing those black and purple discolorations.

The more damaged the blood vessels become, the more blood pools below the skin, and the more dramatic the bruise’s appearance. If you are taking aspirin regularly, you may experience small bumps becoming bruises that are much more dramatic than they otherwise would be.

If you are dealing with bruising easily, you will likely want to make sure that you minimize the bruising as much as you can. No one likes needing to wear long sleeves and long pants to hide bruises, but short of getting rid of the aspirin in your medicine cabinet, what can you do?

The solution is relatively simple. Ask your doctor for alternatives to aspirin for you to use for a pain killer. If aspirin is causing you to bruise more dramatically, you don’t have to feel that there’s nothing that can be done to help you. Keep in mind that you need to find a way to break up the pooled blood beneath the skin and also to enhance the healing of the damaged blood vessels.

You might consider using Bruises Be Banned, a uniquely formulated supplement product that can helps existing bruises fade away more quickly, but its real purpose is to help reduce easy bruising or prevent bruising easily before the bruises occur in the first place. If you follow the recommended daily program you can achieve great results in overcoming the likelihood of your bruising easily.

About the author: 

Carolyn Cooper is recognized as a well known expert on bruising causes through a combination of her educational experience in nutrition and her real life expertise with nutritional supplements for athletes, ranging from children to the professional ranks. You can get a free Special Report on bruising causes and see what she’s done to get you beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and help you prevent bruising altogether.

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