Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Can Water Skiing Really Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily? – Bruises Be Banned!

 If you have ever had the urge to go skimming across the water, light as a bird, into the sun at the lake or river, you should be considering water skiing as the perfect activity for you to undertake.  All ages of people enjoy water skiing as a fun, family hobby, and if you want to get out on the water, you’ll soon learn that there are other benefits to be derived from water skiing as well.

What you might not be aware of is how helpful it can be with regards to helping reduce your easy bruising.  If you have noticed more bruises popping up here and there over the last few years, you probably want a means to stop that tendency, so take a few moments to consider how water skiing might help that.

Although there are a handful of medical conditions that have easy bruising as a symptom, in most situations, some people will tend to start bruising more easily as they age.  This comes mostly due to the fact that your skin no longer has the elasticity that it did when you were younger and, therefore, can not provide you with the same amount of protection from trauma as it once did.

If you try pinching the skin on the back of your hand, you can see that it has a more papery appearance than it had in years past.  What you are actually seeing is a reduction in the amount of collagen, which is the substance that helps your skin’s appearance stay firm and flexible.

Part of  the solution to this condition lies in increasing cardiovascular exercise, which as much fun as it is, water skiing definitely qualifies.  When you encourage your heart to beat in a more healthy fashion, you are also strengthening the vessels that your blood flows through, both veins and arteries.  As these vessels get healthier, you will find that they are much less inclined to break due to light trauma.

Because bruises are generally created by trauma, you will learn that enhancing your cardiovascular capacity is going to make it much simpler for you to avoid bruising easily.  When you have good cardiovascular health, you will find that your bruising will occur much less often, because you have built up a resistance to it.

To get started with water skiing, all you will likely need is to take a few lessons.  Learning won’t take a full week at the lake; just a few hours or half a day should be plenty of time to learn all of the basics that you need.  You will probably be enjoying skiing with your water skiing friends after just a few lessons.

Consider how much fun you can have water skiing and how it can help you with your tendency to easy bruising due to the increase in your cardiovascular capacity.  Because water skiing alone, with its seasonal nature, probably can’t help you overcome your easy bruising, you would be well advised to consider adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your every day routine, which might be your solution to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

About the author: 

Carolyn Cooper is recognized as a well known expert on bruising causes through a combination of her educational experience in nutrition and her real life expertise with nutritional supplements for athletes, ranging from children to the professional ranks. You can get a free Special Report on bruising causes and see what she’s done to get you beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and help you prevent bruising altogether.

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