Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Can You Tell Me Why I Bruise So Easily? – Bruises Be Banned!

If you ever occasionally just move around and find a bruise on your arm that you have no recollection of getting, or if it appears that each and every little ding, and every minor bit of pressure ends up as unsightly black and blue blotches spread over your arms and legs, you’re probably wondering what is going on?  The facts are that many people are afflicted by bruising easily, to the point where they are not even certain themselves where that bruise came from.  If this is a situation that you consistently endure, you’ll discover that there is a multitude of things that you should always be cognizant of.

The foremost thing that you should keep in your thoughts when you are wondering why you seem to bruise so easily is what are bruising causes in the first place.  Bruises are basically created by blunt force trauma which is delivered to some area of your body.  Though the skin may not be broken, the trauma is enough to injure the capillaries below your skin.  The resulting blood from these injured capillaries will seep out into the surrounding tissues, and this is what determines the color of the bruises.  Your personal skin tone will provide the most indication of what kind of colors you will show when you’ve been bruised.

Keeping these thoughts in mind, you might find yourself wondering why you bruise more easily than the people around you, or just why you bruise darker and easier than you ever did when you were younger.  The truth is that weakened capillaries lie at the bottom of the issue for many people who bruise easily.  As we age, the walls of the capillaries in our body, which lie just below the skin, can become frailer, and the capillaries that are only protected by a thin layer of skin can be the most vulnerable.  This is why so many people notice that they are bruising more easily as they start to age.

Some people who have a small amount of body fat (most folks would think that you’re lucky), you will determine that it makes bruising easier for you as well.  As an example, you will soon learn that fat is a substance that can actually cushion your body against injury, and that having an optimum amount on your body can be very helpful when you want to be sure that you are properly padded.

Another factor to consider might be the fact that bruising that happens without any explanation at all can be an indication of a serious illness or disorder.  In any case, if you truly think that the bruising is coming out of nowhere, you may find that it would be in your best interests to speak to a doctor as soon as possible; as this can be an indication of a coagulant disorder or even of some kinds of cancer.

Take some time, and really learn about what bruising really is, and why it might be happening to you.  Do you know what is going in with your body, and have you considered how it might affect you in the long run?  Be aware of your own health and what you need to do if you want to deal with bruises that happen too easily and too frequently.

About the author: 

Carolyn Cooper is recognized as a well known expert on bruising causes through a combination of her educational experience in nutrition and her real life expertise with nutritional supplements for athletes, ranging from children to the professional ranks. You can get a free Special Report on bruising causes and see what she’s done to get you beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and help you prevent bruising altogether.

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