Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Is There a Link Between Easy Bruising and Hemophilia? – Bruises Be Banned!

In the first place we need to understand that hemophilia is a genetic disease that is present at birth, and it is not a condition that can develop spontaneously.  The medical definition for hemophilia really refers to a family of conditions that all relate to problems dealing with blood coagulation or blood clotting.  The most common variety of hemophilia is found to occur in approximately 1 out of 5,000 to 10,000 births, and the second most common variety occurs in 1 in approximately 20,000 to 34,000 births.  The chance of being afflicted with this disorder as an adult without it having been diagnosed during your childhood is extremely low, as you can readily see.

When learning about hemophilia, keep in mind that there are different levels of severity that are associated with this disease.  Mild hemophilia is a level where the majority of sufferers are only concerned if they are facing surgery or dental work.  However, moderate hemophilia relates to a severity level where easy bleeding and bruising take place.  With moderate hemophilia, normal responses like scratching an insect bite or even brushing your teeth can become a problematic activity.  For those afflicted with severe hemophilia, even the mildest physical trauma can create life threatening conditions that require immediate medical intervention.

One reason why hemophilia is often indicated by easy bruising is because even minor contusions can create an inordinate quantity of blood flow.  Because a hemophiliac’s blood does not readily clot, this will mean that the bruises are formed seem to materialize from the ether and seem to be a great deal more dramatic in their appearance than they seem like they should be.

The reason why hemophilia is often linked to easy bruising is because even slight contusions can lead to a copious amount of blood flow.  Because the blood does not clot easily, this means that the bruises that occur seem to show up out of no where and are often a great deal more dramatic than they seem like they should be.

When you are trying to determine how you are going to deal with your easy bruising, make sure that you consider the daily program offered by Bruises Be Banned.  This uniquely formulated, completely natural, daily treatment program can be your answer to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

When you are thinking about how to take care of your bruising easily, make sure that you take a look at the Bruises Be Banned daily program.  This uniquely formulated, all natural, daily treatment program can help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

About the author: 

Carolyn Cooper is recognized as a well known expert on bruising causes through a combination of her educational experience in nutrition and her real life expertise with nutritional supplements for athletes, ranging from children to the professional ranks. You can get a free Special Report on bruising causes and see what she’s done to get you beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and help you prevent bruising altogether.

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